Privacy Center

CVMC Genomics Key Privacy Highlights at a Glance

Information We Collect

We generally collect the following information:

Information we receive when you use our Services. We collect Web-Behavior Information via cookies and other similar tracking technologies when you use and access our Services (our website, products, software and other services). See our Cookie Policy for more information.

Information you share directly with us. We collect and process your information when you place an order, create an account, when we extract, collect and send your Specimen Sample, when you complete research surveys, post on our Forums or use other messaging features, and when you contact Customer Care. This information can generally be categorized as Registration Information, Self-Reported Information, and/or User Content as defined in our Privacy Policy.

Information from our DNA testing services. With your consent, we extract your DNA from your Specimen Sample and analyze it to produce your Genetic Information (the As, Ts, Cs, and Gs at particular locations in your genome) in order to provide you with CVMC Genomics Bio-informatic Correlation or Genetic Analysis Reports.

How We Use Information

We generally process Personal Information for the following reasons:

To provide our Services. We process Personal Information in order to provide our Service, which includes processing payments, extraction, collection, preparation, packaging, and shipment of Specimen Samples to customers, creating customer accounts and authenticating logins, analyzing Specimen Samples and DNA, and delivering results and Bio-informatic Correlation or Genetic Analysis Reports.

To analyze and improve our Services. We constantly work to improve and provide new reports, tools, and Services. We may also need to fix bugs or issues, analyze use of our website to improve the customer experience or assess our marketing campaigns.

For Research and Scientific Progress. By becoming a customer of CVMC Genomics and by using its Services you participate in Scientific progress and research, and CVMC Genomics, its researchers, and its partners, contractors, successors and assignees can include your de-identified Genetic Information and Self-Reported Information in a large pool of customer data for analyses aimed at making scientific discoveries.

Access To Your Information

Your Personal Information may be shared information in the following ways, and always with your informed and explicit consent:

With our service providers, as necessary for them to provide their services to us.

With CVMC Genomics personnel, as necessary for them to provide CVMC Genomics services to you, and to perform new product development and new product development activities for CVMC Genomics.

With research collaborators and partners, as necessary to provide them information needed to pursue scientific research and development

CVMC Genomics will not sell, lease, or rent your individual-level information to any third party or to a third party for research purposes without your explicit consent.

We do not share customer data with any public databases.

We will not provide any person’s data (genetic or non-genetic) to an insurance company or employer.

We will not provide information to law enforcement or regulatory authorities unless required by law to comply with a valid court order, subpoena, or search warrant for genetic or Personal Information.

How We Secure Information

CVMC Genomics implements measures and systems to ensure confidentiality, integrity, and availability of CVMC Genomics data.

De-identification/Pseudonymization, encryption, and data segmentation. Registration Information is stripped from Sensitive Information, including genetic and phenotypic data. This data is then assigned a random ID so the person who provided the data cannot reasonably be identified. CVMC Genomics uses industry standard security measures to encrypt sensitive personal data both when it is stored (data-at-rest) and when it is being transmitted (data-in-flight). Additionally, data are segmented across logical database systems to further prevent re-identifiability.

Limiting access to essential personnel. We limit access of information to authorized personnel, based on job function and role. CVMC Genomics access controls include multi-factor authentication, single sign-on, and a strict least-privileged authorization policy.

Detecting threats and managing vulnerabilities. CVMC Genomics uses digital technology intrusion detection and prevention measures to stop any potential attacks against its networks.

Risks and Considerations

There may be some consequences of using CVMC Genomics Services that you haven't considered.

• You may discover things about yourself and/or your family members that may be upsetting or cause anxiety and that you may not have the ability to control or change.

• In the event of a data breach it is possible that your data could be associated with your identity, which could be used against your interests.